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Article: Which countries have the best work-life balance?

New Zealand beach
Living Abroad

Which countries have the best work-life balance?

In our wild chase for balance, some countries have cracked the code and turned the pursuit into a party! Get ready to hop aboard our work-life balance world tour, where every destination promises a healthy dose of fun alongside your daily grind.

1. Denmark: Picture this—sipping coffee by a canal, cycling through colorful streets, and working just enough to afford those weekend getaways. Welcome to Denmark, where "hygge" is more than a word—it's a way of life! With a 37-hour workweek and an obsession with cozy living, Danes show us that work can be a breeze when you know how to kick back and relax.

2. Norway: Let's head north to Norway, where the fjords are as majestic as the work-life balance. In this land of epic landscapes, Norwegians have mastered the art of blending work with adventure. Flexible schedules mean you can hit the trails or chase the Northern Lights without sacrificing productivity. Who said you can't have it all?

3. Netherlands: Hold onto your clogs because we're cruising into the Netherlands! Here, work-life balance isn't just a goal—it's a national sport. With bikes as their trusty steeds and gezelligheid (that's Dutch for cozy vibes) in the air, the Dutch know how to work hard and play harder. Flexible schedules and family time are non-negotiables in this land of windmills and tulips.

4. New Zealand: Last but certainly not least, let's jet off to the land of the long white cloud—New Zealand! Kiwis have a knack for keeping it real, with a work culture that values well-being as much as success. Whether you're hiking through Middle Earth or kicking back with a pavlova, New Zealand invites you to slow down, breathe deep, and soak in the good life.

So, where will your work-life balance adventure take you? Whether it's embracing "hygge" in Denmark, cycling through Amsterdam's canals, or chasing sheep in New Zealand, remember: life's a journey, so why not make it fun?

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